Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Fish-Pig 2008

Barack Obama took heat for this one:
"You can put lipstick on a pig. It's still a pig."
Now, look, this is the kind of line that Joe Biden should have delivered. Heck, this is the kind of line Obama should have delivered if he was making a joint appearance with Dr. Phil, or Robert Byrd. But really, how many corny expressions do you expect from Obama? This isn't a guy who talks like this. To be fair, race is coming into play here too - that sounds more like a white redneck phrase, so that makes it harder to buy the figure of speech thing.

Of course, I think he might have had a shot at getting away with it were it not for this line:
"You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called ‘change,’ it’s still going to stink.”
It seems like that's a shot at John McCain, because he is also very old. So it makes sense that correspondingly, he probably called Sarah Palin a pig. Sure he didn't mean it, but neither did this guy.